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Music - "White Army, Black Baron", 2) Georg Ots "red riders" Showing photo and the fate of most and least well-known participants in the Russian Civil War 1918 - 1921 period First are the portraits of the future Marshals of the USSR - the heroes of the Civil War, Vasily Blücher, Semen Budenny, Kliment Voroshilov, Michail Tukhachevsky and Semen Timoshenko Музыка - "Белая...
Бодрая песня о готовности дать отпор врагу. A cheerful Soviet song that promises to repulse any foe. (With footage from the 1945 Victory Parade) Special thanks to Comrade Honecker1995 for the translations. http://www.youtube.com/user/Honecker1995