Поиск по тегу «робертус»
The MiG-29 Project! • 2011. The 9th World Championship IJMC - Vitaly Robertus brought the champion cup to Russia for the first time • Two years later on the JWM2013 - Vitaly won the champion title for the second time • The 11th IJMC Championship in Germany r/c model of Yak-130 scored maximum points for static score, although the gap from the rivals was not as...
*** English version - https://goo.gl/gWGUKi *** Spanish version - https://goo.gl/1SVqSs *** Chinese version - https://goo.gl/kiu3sS *** German version - https://goo.gl/oHyNc7 -- Фильм о непростой борьбе и победе российских спортсменов-моделистов на JWM 2017. Наши реактивные модели вновь признаны самыми лучшими. Модель МиГ-29 Виталия Робертуса стала лучшей копией...