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- Мы пересаливаем еду но не так как вы думаете
Мы пересаливаем еду но не так как вы думаете
Спонсор перевода: Lingua Airlines (уроки английского по скайпу): www.english-and-skype.ru/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=video&utm_campaign=AlexTranslations
Наука и Техника Вконтакте:
Ссылка на оригинальное видео: www.youtube.com/watch?v=RL0Fa...
Дополнительная информация:
goo.gl/xQsj8y — Засуха
goo.gl/IdOOjf — Гидратация
goo.gl/F78zkp — Вегетационный период
Hillel, Daniel. (2000). Salinity management for sustainable irrigation: integrating science, environment, and economics. Environmentally and socially sustainable development series. Rural development*ESSD Environmentally & Socially Sustainable Development Work in Progress. Washington, D.C. The World Bank. documents.worldbank.org/curate...
Pitman, M. G., & Läuchli, A. (2002). Global impact of salinity and agricultural ecosystems. In Salinity: environment-plants-molecules (pp. 3-20). Springer Netherlands.
Qadir, M., Quillérou, E., Nangia, V., Murtaza, G., Singh, M., Thomas, R.J., Drechsel, P. and Noble, A.D. (2014). Economics of salt-induced land degradation and restoration. Natural Resources Forum, 38: 282–295. doi: 10.1111/1477-8947.12054
Schofield, N. J. (1992). Tree planting for dryland salinity control in Australia. Agroforestry Systems, 20(1-2), 1-23.
Наука и Техника Вконтакте:
Ссылка на оригинальное видео: www.youtube.com/watch?v=RL0Fa...
Дополнительная информация:
goo.gl/xQsj8y — Засуха
goo.gl/IdOOjf — Гидратация
goo.gl/F78zkp — Вегетационный период
Hillel, Daniel. (2000). Salinity management for sustainable irrigation: integrating science, environment, and economics. Environmentally and socially sustainable development series. Rural development*ESSD Environmentally & Socially Sustainable Development Work in Progress. Washington, D.C. The World Bank. documents.worldbank.org/curate...
Pitman, M. G., & Läuchli, A. (2002). Global impact of salinity and agricultural ecosystems. In Salinity: environment-plants-molecules (pp. 3-20). Springer Netherlands.
Qadir, M., Quillérou, E., Nangia, V., Murtaza, G., Singh, M., Thomas, R.J., Drechsel, P. and Noble, A.D. (2014). Economics of salt-induced land degradation and restoration. Natural Resources Forum, 38: 282–295. doi: 10.1111/1477-8947.12054
Schofield, N. J. (1992). Tree planting for dryland salinity control in Australia. Agroforestry Systems, 20(1-2), 1-23.
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