Поиск по тегу «folclore ruso»
Автор музыки и текста - Игорь Растеряев. Автор ролика - Лёха Ляхов. The song named «Russian road». Along the crying earth, not feeling jackboots, Our bloodless detachment's escaping from the enemies Is eating sorrel leaves on the run, Is staying overnight in a gully under an arrow-wood bush. It's impossible to rest for us -- run away, run away, run away. And our...
Автор музыки и слов - Игорь Растеряев. Режиссер-постановщик - Марья Зима. Монтаж - Артем Кирсанов. Мультфильм лепили - Вячеслав и Игорь Растеряевы, Марья Зима, Юлия Дроздова. Жалейка - Владимир Молодцов, Звукорежиссер - Александр Докшин.
Автор музыки и текста - Игорь Растеряев. Автор ролика - Лёха Ляхов. The song named «Cossack song». A warm wind was flying оn the field, walking, snooping and then This wind flew in through the window and whispered to me about. Very many dusky guys just tonight as screaming by Turkic, they're coming to us so as to hack at all of us. I'm only fifteen but I've smelt death...