Год на орбите Возвращение домой Фильм 13 A Year In Space Returning to Earth

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Тринадцатая серия посвящена возвращению Михаила Корниенко на Землю. Зрители увидят, как прошли последние часы годовой экспедиции — самого уникального эксперимента в истории МКС. Мы покажем исключительные кадры, снятые космонавтами в спускаемом аппарате во время полета. И впервые в истории отечественного телевидения во всех деталях расскажем о работе поисково-спасательных отрядов, которые эвакуируют космонавтов с места приземления.

Спецпроект «Год на орбите» авторами которого стали сами космонавты. В формате космического видеоблога они ведут репортаж с борта МКС. Формат реалити-шоу впервые позволит показать жизнь экипажа на станции глазами космонавтов, как она есть: от момента подготовки и облачения в скафандр до возвращения на Землю.

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A Year In Space. Return To The Earth

Penultimate episode is dedicated Mikhail Kornienko's return to the Earth. You will see how the last few hours of unique one-year expedition have passed. We will show exclusive footage taken by cosmonauts in the descent module during the flight. And for the first time in the national history of television we will tell in details about the work of search and rescue teams who evacuated cosmonauts from the landing site.
In March 2015, Russian Cosmonauts Mikhail Kornienko and Gennady Padalka, and American Astronaut Scott Kelly began collaborative investigations on the International Space Station (ISS). Due to its length, it is a record setting voyage during the whole ISS history. The One-Year Mission focused on several categories of research. These investigations yielded beneficial knowledge on the medical, psychological and biomedical challenges faced by space explorers during long-duration spaceflight.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016. After a yearlong mission to the International Space Station, Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko and NASA astronaut returned to their home planet.
Kornienko and Kelly spent a whopping 340 days on the space station during their yearlong flight. Russian Cosmonaut and crew commander Sergey Volkov arrived at the station last September, for a total of 182 days. During their flight, Kelly and Kornienko blasted past the record for longest stay on the International Space Station as an experiment (although Soviet-era cosmonauts spent longer on the Mir space station).
They didn't go anywhere new — besides sailing more than 17,000 mph (27,359 km/h) around the Earth — but the one-year astronauts are still explorers pushing the frontier of what we understand about the human body in space. (And the human mind, with five behavioral health investigations that examined cognitive performance, sleep, brain structure, emotion and fatigue.)
How to sleep, eat, drink or shave in zero gravity? All the details of life in space were recorded on camera. Unique footage formed the basis of the documentary series called «A Year in Space».

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