Clover Kao I miss you until Going crazy Meteor Garden OST 高隽雅 想你想到快疯了

Filipino, English, русский, italiano, español, 한국어, Português, Tiếng Việt, 简体中文, Suomalainen, 繁體中文, 日本語, ไทย, are available in this video. Please turn on [CC] and choose your suitable language. Thank you.
Filipino by Edriene Jay Cabanela
한글자막 by bluenwhites slime
ไทย by KuanHung TH
italiano by Claudia Zappalà
Suomalainen by… ( sorry I dont see your name. Can you tick on the box «Credit my contribution for me to see your name please. Kiitos)
русский by Marie Iv
Español by Moonbow
Português by Daniella Andrade
Help me to translate in this video. And Don't forget tick on box „Credit my contribution“ for me to see your name. Thank you so much. (IMPORTANT: This version has some different lyrics from Caesar Wu's version)
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Information about this song:
Title: I miss you until Going crazy (想你想到快疯了)
Singer: Clover Kao (高隽雅 — Gao Juan Ya)
Album: Meteor Garden OST (《流星花园》电视剧插曲)
Release Date: 2018.07.23

#CloverKao #想你想到快疯了 #MeteorGardenOST
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