David Tukhmanov Как прекрасен мир How the World is Fine Full Album Russia USSR 1972


Давид Тухманов / David Tukhmanov — Как прекрасен мир / Kak prekrasen mir / How the World is Fine (Full Album, Russia, USSR, 1972)

Genres: Pop Music, Art Rock, Progressive Rock, Jazz-Fusion

1. Любовь — дитя планеты / Love is the Child of a Planet (based on the poem by Yevgeny Yevtushenko)
2. Только ты молчи / You Only Be Silent (lyrics by Mikhail Nojkin)
3. Любимая, спи / Sleep, My Love (based on the poem by Yevgeny Evtushenko)
4. Капитан / The Captain (based on the poem by Igor Kobzev)
5. Джоконда / Gioconda (lyrics by Tatyana Sashko)
6. День без выстрела / Day Without a Shot (based on the poem by Mikhail Dudin)
7. Как прекрасен этот мир / How This World is Fine (lyrics by Vladimir Kharitonov)
8. Танцевальный час на солнце / Dancing Hour on the Sun (based on the poem by Semyon Kirsanov)
9. Сан Саныч / San Sanych (lyrics by Eduard Verigo)
10. Жил был я / Once Upon a Time I Lived (based on the poem by Semyon Kirsanov)
11. Эпилог / Epilogue

Vesiolie Rebiata (the soloist — Leonid Berger) (1, 3, 8)
Nina Brodskaya — vocal (2, 4, 9)
Alexander Gradsky — vocal (5, 10)
Galina Nenasheva — vocal (6)
Yury Antonov — vocal (7)
Tatyana Sashko — vocal (7)
Vocal quartet «Ulybka»
Ensemble «Zvuchat struny»
Rhythm-group: A. Buchgoltz (guitar), A. Garetkin (percussion), A. Satanovsky (bass-guitar), B. Frumkin (piano)
Radio Concert Ensemble (conductor — V. Ludvikovsky)
Entartaining Symphony Orchestra (conductor — K. Krimetz)
String Ensemble of Large Symphony Orchestra
Group of Large Choir of Radio
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