Чернила для 5 класса Письмо

Чернила для 5 класса-Письмо.Игорь Веряскин, Сергей Кузнецов, Юрий Прибылов
Greetings. Well here, I promised, that I shall write.
Forgive my mistakes and silence eternity.
I to you now shall in detail tell all.
In fact our meeting is absolutely impossible.
Let behind a window the blizzard conducts fights,
And in the house silently, and hours have punched midnight.
Also there are no me only kind your eyes.
And so it would not be desirable again next morning in school.

And behind a blizzard tired houses sleep,
And the lonely wind the wolf in glasses howls.
Let hides your last trace in a snow winter,
I shall give all only to be always with you.

All at me by way of, only is not present you.
Everything as it is usual: school, the house, friends and a cat.
And as two, in general, as at all children.
And as troubles, however, as at everything, a little bit.
And you remember, in the house has brought to us someone your portrait.
And I store it and whatever happens,
It and now on the same place, at a window.
As you see, in the house nothing has changed.


Greetings. Well here I also write, how promised.
Forgive my silence and mistakes a heap.
Still forgive, that your address so has not learned.
Let in anywhere to write, but this all is better.
I shall add the letter, as last time,
I shall burn a leaf, and a flame will shine my night.
The pain nobody of necessary phrases will burn down on fire,
And ashes will accept a cold wind behind a window.


Let hides your last trace in a snow winter,
I shall give all only to be always with you.
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