Smuglyanka Moldavanka Смуглянка Молдаванка Red Army Choir Lyrics

Song written in 1940 by Yakov Shvedov (lyrics) and Anatoliy Grigorevich Novikov (music). Performed by Red Army Choir (Alexandrov Ensemble).
Песня была частью сюиты, написанной композитором А. Новиковым и поэтом Яковом Шведовым в 1940 году по заказу ансамбля Киевского особого военного округа.
Исполняет Ансамблю Александрова.
Once upon a summer dawn,
I looked into next-door’s garden.
There she is, a dark Moldovan
Girl gathering up grapes.
I grow red and I grow pale,
Suddenly want to tell her:
“Let’s stand by the river
And welcome the summer dawn!”

The green maple is bushy, and its leaves carved.
I'm in love and stand embarrassed before you.
The maple’s green, and it is bushy,
Yes, all bushy and carved.
But the dark Moldavian girl
Told the young man tunefully:
“A Moldovan partisan squad
We are about to gather.
Earlier today, the partisans
Up and left their native homes.
So the road awaits you,
To the partisans in the forest deep.”

The green maple is bushy, and its leaves carved.
Here, by the tree, we will part company.
The maple’s green, and it is bushy,
Yes, all bushy and carved.
So the dark Moldavian girl
Left along the forest path.
And I was aggrieved to see
That she did not call me with her.
And on the dark Moldovan girl
I have often thought at night …
Suddenly my dark girl
I saw again in the squad.

The green maple is bushy, and its leaves carved.
Hello young man, my good fellow, dear to me.
The maple’s green, and it is bushy,
Yes, all bushy and carved.
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