Christmas X wrome Christian Pagan Festival of the Circassians

The Kabardian State Academic Dance Ensemble “Kabardinka” perform the ancient “X’wrome” rituals of the Circassians of Kabarda Minor (easternmost region of historical Circassia). “X’wrome” («хъуромэ») is an ancient pre-Christian festival that was transformed and adapted into Christmas when the Kabardians converted to Christianity in the Middle Ages. The Orthodox Christian Kabardians of Mozdok (Kabarda Minor) still chant “X’wrome” as a Christmas carol/prayer. They celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January. It is not known if the “X’wrome” traditions are upheld by non-Orthodox Circassian Christians. In general, there is very little information on the beliefs and rites of the Christian Circassians.

Vocals by Amirx’an Hex’wpasch’e. The concert was held in 2016.
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