Клим Жуков про разгром Английской армады Реванш Филиппа 2 Испанского

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Список литературы:
1. Wes U. The Defeat of the English Armada and the 16th-Century Spanish Naval Resurgence: A More Detailed Look at the Spanish Armada, its Immediate Results, its Long-Term Effects, and its Lesser-Known Aftermath
2. The Year After the Armada, and other historical studies. Martin Andrew Sharp Hume. N- Y, 1896
3. Luis Gorrochategui Santos, Counter Armada: The Greatest Naval Disaster in the History of England.
4. Wernham, RB. The Return of the Armadas: the later years of the Elizabethan war against Spain, 1595-1603. Oxford University Press, 1994.
5. Wernham, RB, ed. The Expedition of Sir John Norris and Sir Francis Drake to Spain and Portugal, 1589. Navy Records Society, Brookfield, Vt., 1988

Аудиоверсия: oper.ru/video/audio/interview_armada.mp3

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