SHERP Demo Day checking out the SHERP ATV шерп

SHERP Demo Day: So I called SHERP NA and asked about the machines and they said «do you want a demo?» and I said «Duh» so in a month they came down and we brought the SHERP out to the ranch to show it some of FLs toughest terrain. The eastern pond is at least 10' deep of solid muck (because we have shoved a 10' dead tree straight down by hand in it) and nearly uncrossable. The north line hasn't been crossed in over two decades and is deeper than the pond by far, we have stuck everything from excavators to ourselves on foot in it. Good luck SHERP. Шерп

0:15 Me driving before the SHERP people arrived
0:27 The eastern pond
3:50 The northline

So the SHERP is the most amazing machine for off road that I have ever been in, it is completely unstickable, uuunnnstuckable?.. Nope. New word, unstickable!
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