How to feed film freshwater eel underwater in wild Fish camera Угорь подводой

Dear Friends, thank you for visiting my channel and for watching this video. All my underwater films and videos were recorded entirely on location in Ireland while free-diving and snorkelling. I'm working entirely alone investing my own money and time which as you can understand limits me very much. Last year I practically had to stop filming and developing my 'Underwater Ireland' project because I had financial difficulties and couldn't afford to spend money or time anymore. To raise some funds for my project development I inserted a PayPal 'Donate' button on my website
You do not need to be rich and you do not need to have a PayPal account — all that you need is a desire to help this very unique project to survive and to develop and you need to have a debit or credit card (all transactions are absolutely secure because they go through PayPal). I appreciate ANY! help and even one euro/dollar/pound/etc. can make a real difference. If you provide your name and postal address to contact [at] after the donation I will be happy to send you a small present (my postcards, my DVD or a large photo-print, size up to 30x40cm depending on the amount of the donation). If you can't donate anything — you can still help by sharing this information and the link to my video channel
and to my website

Don't forget to come back later — I hope I'll find an opportunity to show you even more exciting episodes about the underwater world of Ireland.

Faithfully yours
Victor Kutischev
Think Green --Think Ireland!

Recorded in Ireland in the begginning of June 2010.
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