Поиск по тегу «blacksmithing»
Андрей Владимирович показывает мастер-класс. https://www.patreon.com/ShabalinDesign/creators You can make donations for the development of the channel here: paypal.me/ShabalinDesign Вы можете внести на развитие канала тут: paypal.me/ShabalinDesign По вопросам и заказам обращайтесь.+7922 104 38 38 For questions and orders: www.shabalindesign.ru Для развития канала, карта...
DAMASCUS 1000 LAYER CHALLENGE In this video I will attempt to forge weld 1000 layers of Damascus from scrap band saw blades and sawmill blades. This is a personal challenge just for fun.
We all know bearing are made of tough steels. See how I make a classy woodworking tool out of a ball bearing cage! I am a novice when it comes to blacksmithing so no worries, easy techniques and common machines. Index of operation and materials: 0:18 Cutting a slot in the cage so it's easier to open 1:32 Flattening the lip of the bearing cage 2:17 Isolating handles material...