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"Mirror Mirror" premiere in Los Angeles! Julia Roberts as Queen Clementianna -- Roberts was the first to be cast, because very early on Tarsem Singh wanted an Evil Queen with whom audiences could relate. He stated that in the film, the queen is not evil, but rather insecure. He also revealed that the Queen's true ugliness may be revealed at the very end of the film.[3] Lily...
Музыка: М. Фадеев Слова: И. Секачева Автор сценария и режиссер: М. Фадеев Подписывайтесь на социальные сети Юлии Савичевой: https://instagram.com/yuliasavicheva https://www.facebook.com/savichevaoff... http://vk.com/savichevaofficial http://ok.ru/yuliyasavi https://twitter.com/JuliaSavicheva Официальный сайт: https://www.savicheva.ru #ПЦМFAMILY #ПЦМФPOWER
Юлія Дошна (Julia Doszna).Та піду, я піду...Лемківська пісня.