ARKAN Circle dance of heroic Hutsul warriors Ukrainian hutsuls

Аркан. Танець гуцульських багатирів, які спускались з гір. Цим танцем посвячували у богатирі (опришки) молодих гуцульських юнаків. Arkan — circle dance of heroic Hutsul warriors. Ukrainian hutsuls, group of Ukrainian highlanders that inhabit the Carpathian mountains in western Ukraine. Hutsuls preserved unique dialect and unique traditions and cultural heritage of their own.

Genetically Hutsuls are 36 % of group I2, this is their dominant group (ancient proto-European people, non-Indo-Europeans, ancient European aboriginals). Among other Ukrainians the dominant group is R1a (Indo-Europeans / Scytho-Sarmatians / Aryans) but proto-European (non-Indo-European, Hutsul) group I2 is also widely present among all other Ukrainians at the rate of ca. 22 % (even in Kuban cossacks of Ukrainian descent). Its means in the very distant past Hutsuls spoke some weird non-Indo-European language. But now they speaks R1a Slavic tongue (Ukrainian), the language of Aryan newcomers, got assimiliated. Romanian, Albanian, Icelandic (ancient Scandinavian) might have some features from the ancient proto-European (non Aryan) languages but otherwise proto-European languages are no more.

Besides Hutsuls, ancient proto-Europeans got also preserved in Romania (Carpathian Mts.), Moldova, Dinaric Alps, Dalmatia, very much in Bosnia, Scandinavia (Sweden & Norway), in the marches of Belarus, and on Sardinia in Italy. Ancient proto-Europeans are of Dinaric facial / anthropological type (long aquiline pointy nose, «sophisticated» big ears & quite big head)
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